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The Casey Donahew Band

Thursday, December 3, 2015

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Age Policy:
All Ages

Seating Sections:
Floor, Loge, VIP Booths, Party Box

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Casey Donahew Media:


Casey Donahew Description:

“I think we definitely make music for our fans…we don’t worry about much else except making the fans happy and making ourselves happy, and we’ve been real lucky and fortunate in that I think we came along and started this band at a time when social media was really kind of starting to get some legs. And that really made it possible for a band that really didn’t have a lot of radio support to thrive and succeed…you know we were able to keep people interested and with social media they were able to share it with their friends in such a fast way that it really spread the music to a large group of people quicker than it could have ever before.”

His latest studio CD, “Double Wide Dream,” is pretty much right in the wheelhouse of Casey’s previous three…the songs contemplate all the highs and lows of real life, from the heartaches to the belly laughs and everything in between, and the CD is packed full of that unbridled, can-do indie spirit that has rocket-powered his entire career right from the start. From the straight-shooting, hilarity of the leadoff single, “Double Wide Dream,” a redneck’s declaration of love for his hot mess of a wife, to the heartfelt twist of “Give You A Ring,” and the hotter-than-a-jalapeno, Texas-tinged smoker, “One Star Flag,” the tunes on this new CD cover a broad range of material and emotions and showcase a maturity that can only be achieved through lots of living, loving, and losing — things Casey has no doubt done his fair share of throughout his life and his budding career. And though he can work his way through a tearjerker with the best of ‘em, for Casey, every song doesn’t have to be brain surgery — it’s OK to laugh and have a good time and let your hair down, as in the case of the hilarious title track, or “White Trash Story II - The Deuce,” a continuation of the tune that has become a fan sensation and instant singalong during his shows.

“Hopefully I’ve grown as a songwriter over the past few years, but I don’t try to get too carried away with it, I don’t want to try to be too serious about everything. “Double Wide Dream” is one of those songs that’s just really fun. Those are songs that provide a little comic relief, and I want people to get out and jump up and down and have fun. Not every song has to change your life, there also has to be entertainment in the world. And I like to think we provide entertainment with those songs. And, I still think of myself as a redneck…I live in the country, I like to be outdoors, and shoot guns, and hunt, and drive trucks, so those are things we write about. This album is really not too far from what we’ve been doing from day one, just a continuation of it, really.”

With the release of what will likely be his biggest album to date, Casey is gearing up for his biggest year ever, playing to packed houses throughout Texas and the Midwest. He’s come a long, long way since those early days on that Armadillo stage, and he still loves to thrill crowds both big and small. But given the choice — he’ll take the flamethrower approach every time.

“I’m a Bon Jovi fan, and he’s got a documentary called “When We Were Beautiful” that kind of captures Bon Jovi on a completely different level than anyone I even know. But a lot of the things he thinks about the music business translate, and it’s crazy to see somebody who has the success he does have the same kind of anxieties and worries about his music that I think the common musician does. And he had a great quote in that. He’s played lots of little intimate shows, but the shows he loves, are the huge ones. You know he says he’d like to play the desert and sell it out. That’s always stuck with me…I don’t want to play a small place, I want to play the desert and sell it out!”

And though his dream may soon grow much, much larger than a double wide, and reach heights even he couldn’t have imagined, Casey is quite content with all he’s accomplished thus far in this little career that could. “I don’t see anyone coming to make a deal where we’re gonna change what we do. I’m not sure how far we have left to go, hopefully forever, but you know nothing lasts forever, so I’m always mindful of that and prepared that one day this ride could be over. And I’m pretty proud of everything we’ve accomplished. I hope there’s more, but if it were over tomorrow, I could look at my wife and say I was really proud of everything we’ve accomplished. I’m really excited about this record. I think the songs on here are great, and are a big step forward, and the fans, whatever their expectations are, I hope we blow em away!”

Purchase Tickets:

To call the box office ahead of time, please reach us at (951)200-4465!

Seating Map: