Apr 3. 2013

ZUSA Takes The Led Zeppelin Tribute Crown

Corona, CA - After a 10-year stint as “Jimmy Page”, with Led Zepagain, guitarist Steve Zukowski left the band to form what he calls the highest energy Led Zeppelin tribute in the land. Last Saturday, Zukowski proved his point when he brought his new Zeppelin juggernaut to M15 Concert Bar & Grill in Corona.

Zukowski’s new project is called Zeppelin USA, or ZUSA for short. Brody Dolyniuk brought an astonishing range and power to Robert Plant’s vocal parts while Jonathan Gilcrest handled bass, mandolin and keybards with journymen dexterity. Drummer Pat Leon provided the John Bonham engine with a ferocity equal to the great Bonzo himself.

This Zeppelin tribute was so good they didn’t need to don look-alike costumes. By the end of their one-hour and forty-five minute set the audience was screaming for more and imploring the band for an encore.

Zumkowski is a sight to behold. After all, he was the Led Zepagain member that impressed Jimmy Page enough to invite that band to Led Zeppelin’s O2 concert in London. Zumkowski moves through the Page catalog of riffs, solos and chord progressions with astonishing fluidity. Every note that is supposed to be there is there.

If you want to hear vintage Led Zeppelin music played live precisely as it ought to be , and you want it delivered with the energy of the originals, Zeppelin USA is the “real deal!”

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